We are gonna look at how to use virtual threads with a future. Doing this requires only a couple lines of code. A future makes it is easy to return a value from a (virtual) thread.
Future with a virtual thread
Creating a future from a virtual thread is done by using the newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor
. Since Java 21 the ExecutorService
now implements the autocloseable
interface which means that we can use it with the try-with-resource statement.
In the previous example, you can see on line 2 how the future is created. The virtual thread will sleep for a second and return a string for the future to get.
Consuming a future from a virtual thread
Getting a value from a future is as simple as calling .get()
. This will block the thread calling the get() method till
the future is done. You can see how to do this in the following example:
In the previous example, you can see how to consume a value from a future. On line 9 the value is taken from the future and later printed to the console.
You learned how to get a future from a virtual thread and how to get a value from a future.